HSCSA Monthly Contest
Friendly monthly contests to bring together HS CS clubs
Monthly Contest #4 (May) HAS CONCLUDED!









CLICK ME to view the contest results
(May 14th to 20th)

Format & Infos

This is a team-based contest targeted to clubs. Ask your club to form teams of up to 4 members. The contest will consist of 3-8 problems of a wide range of difficulties, from bronze to easy platinum. Enter this friendly inter-club tournament and win glory for your club! Also join our Discord Server to discuss and retrieve the latest information.
Encourage Teamwork
You will work together as a team of up to 4 to solve the challenges. We guarantee the problems will bring your club members together while learning fun CS concepts! Furthermore, you can even contribute to our contest by proposing problems.
Learn & Practice
Our contest includes problems of all difficulties, ranging from bronze to easy platinum. Thus, we guarantee there are fun and appropriate problems for everyone. Improve your USACO skills by competing in this contest! We will also try to incorporate a diverse and comprehensive set of topics.
Build A Community
The main goal of HSCSA to create a collaborative and tight-knit community among the many High School CS clubs across the United States. Thus, by joining this contest, you will also meet many other enthusiastic clubs that share the same passion!