BucketPotato's Fan Club
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Fun Facts

More FACTS #1
"BucketPotato" is actually the name of an algorithm he invented. The algorithm sorts instances of the Prime Orbital Tautologically Acyclic Treap Object (POTATO) data structure into buckets, which has a wide range of applications, including curing cancer. Unfortunately, it cannot be found in scientific papers, because no human reviewers can comprehend the POTATO.
More FACTS #2
BucketPotato has a streak of solving at least one problem daily for the past 578 days on CodeForces. The only reason it is not longer is because of CodeForces' server outages. In total, he has solved 3299 problems, though of course this number is already outdated when you read this paragraph, since his solve rate is faster than the website cache rate.
More FACTS #3
BucketPotato does not worry about applying to college or jobs. It is impossible for him to receive any verdict other than "Accepted." Sometimes, however, he does get "Time Limit Exceed," but that's simply because CodeForces uses unsigned variables to record time, and BucketPotato's algorithms have a negative time complexity.